Tuesday 11 November 2014


Voreth hated the night watch.
But then he supposed that everyone hated the night watch, which was why he always got saddled with it. Pacing back and forth in the cramped confines of the lookout fighting down the urge to stamp some life back into his feet for fear of punching through the flimsy wooden floor. Instead he pressed his back against the mast clamped his gloved hands in his armpits and continued staring out into the night with naught but the roar of the wind and the groan of the ships timbers for company.
Not for the first time that night he cursed the captain’s decision to press on through the foul weather in the dead of night. Any child who had spent more than a single tour of duty on ship knew that traveling under such conditions was an invitation for disaster. It would be frighteningly easy for them to drift off course and find themselves running aground and it was that thought that chilled him more deeply than the wind and kept him awake and watchful. Though by the First the wind was biting cold, cutting him to the bone even through every layer of clothing he had been able to beg, borrow or steal from the crew. The scarf he had wrapped about his face was near solid the moisture on his breath lacing it with ice.
Just as he began to weigh the benefits of walking another three foot circuit of his tiny domain they broke from a bank of cloud and a distant light appeared on the horizon.  With a resentful groan Voreth straighten and, rubbing frost from the lenses, raised the spy glass to his eye. He twisted the brass tube, fingers made clumsy by the thick material, and the image came into focus. A pale blue light gently pulsed in the distance.
The light of home.
Hauling down the threadbare woollen scarf he ran a hand across his bearded face wiping away the moisture and clearing his throat with a hacking cough and raising his voice
“Beacon sited! Beacon sited to starboard! Rouse yourself boys! Homes in sight and much as we all love her I want off this block frozen wood before she cracks beneath me!”
Immediately he heard the bell tolling on the deck proper and the thunder of feet as the crew swung into action preparing the Gull for docking. He grabbed the rope and set to climbing his way up the inverse mast, smoothly scaling hand over hand with the speed and ease of an ape. Reaching the gentle curve of the hull he pushed off from the mast catching a rope running alongside the side of the ice coated wood. For a long terrible moment he dangled there in the open air hands locked about that one slim strand with nothing beneath him but the fluttering canvas and the sheer drop down into the icy void. Then he tensed his arms, swung himself first one way then the other building up momentum and speed. With a grunt he struck the timbers bodily his feet catching and clinging to the wood as though his feet were lined with nails. Then he was off again scaling the belly of the Gull with the alarming speed and surety of a hull runner passing the port mast where she protrudes from the woodwork.
Vaulting over the rail he came to rest on the deck with a heavy thump.
He crossed towards the helm darting between the running crew members and hopping over piles of coiled ropes as the cargo and its securing lines were checked and double checked again. He came to a halt as the captain strode out on deck to take his place alongside the helmsmen.
“Report boy.”
“Sir. Wanders light spotted off the starboard side no more than a league distant. Apologises for the late notice sir. Damn near impossible to see through the cloud cover at this hour…..”
The hand came up making a sharp chopping motion to cut him off
“I’ve no need nor time for your excuses boy. I am well aware of the conditions but we have our orders. You and the others get out there on the rigging and light the lamps we’re expecting company on the approach. Felks” He snapped turning his attention to the helmsmen “bring us in on an angle of descent. Sound bells and steer us to twelve degrees down plane.”
Even before the bells sounded the warning Voreth was grabbing for support as the deck pitched forward at a sudden steep angle the Gull heading down towards harbour. After a few moments he regained his balance and grabbing a lantern scurried off towards the rigging letting loose a series of shrill whistles setting his counter parts into motion. Running out along the port mast swiftly and hanging the lantern from its mounting point. Looking about he sees the other points of light igniting marking the outer edges of the ship.
Looking out into the night the beacon light of Wander is growing brighter now. The tiny point of light has already expanded a hundred fold filling the horizon. Around him he can see other lights drifting through the night marking the place of other ships. He started counting. Two, eight, a dozen, two dozen. He pauses in his work as it sinks in. The marker lights are swarming about the approach at all angles. Damn near the whole fleet must in at harbour or on patrol around the perimeter. What the hell was going on here? It was unheard of for so many of the trade fleet to be at port at once.
“Boy! Get your ass in gear and stop stargazing!”
Shaken from his revelry by the captains booming voice Voreth near fell from his perch his hands darted out to steady himself. The final approach had begun the Gull slipping between the outer markers the towering shards of jagged float stone slipping past in the night, a wall of gentling glowing crystalline rock less than a dozen meters away and ahead rising up like a mountain the city of Wander.